Because the Company's securities reached the threshold for publication set by TWSE, Company discloses relevant financial information for investors' reference29, May, 2024Information
Announcement of the Collection Bank and Storage Account Bank for the First Unsecured Convertible Corporate Bonds Issued Domestically24, May, 2024Information
Correction of the XBRL filing information of the company's 2024Q1 consolidated financial report16, May, 2024Information
Correction-Announcement of the consolidated financial statements for Q1 2024 approved by the Company's Board of Directors9, May, 2024Information
Announcement for the Board of Directors meeting date of 2024Q1 financial reports30, April, 2024Information
The Company's Board of Directors resolved a decision to issue the first domestic unsecured convertible corporate bonds.26, April, 2024Information
Announcement of the date of the 2024 general shareholders' meeting and relevant matters resolved by the Company's Board of Directors(Additional Meeting Agenda)26, April, 2024Information
Announcement of the resignation of independent director and Change in one-third or more of the directors12, April, 2024Information
Announcement of the resignation of a member of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Sustainable Development Committee.12, April, 2024Information